University of California San Francisco

Ehf and Fezf2 regulate late medullary thymic epithelial cell and thymic tuft cell development.

Frontiers in immunology
Publication Title
Lammers S, Barrera V, Brennecke P, Miller C, Yoon J, Balolong J, Anderson MS, Ho Sui S, Steinmetz LM, von Andrian UH, Rattay K. Ehf and Fezf2 regulate late medullary thymic epithelial cell and thymic tuft cell development. Front Immunol. 2023; 14:1277365.
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Author List
Lammers S, Barrera V, Brennecke P, Miller C, Yoon J, Balolong J, Anderson MS, Ho Sui S, Steinmetz LM, von Andrian UH, Rattay K